
Senin, 16 April 2012

Aksesoris batik by: Mirna Erisa

 This is my favorite fabric necklace. It use satin fabric and it become amazing fabric flower jewelry. 
IDR. 125rb
You can ask me for order by sms (text) to my mobile phone : +6289668882425 or +6285641312213
my personal facebook: Mirna Erisa / /  Arisa Shop

Ini Batik hasil karyaku yg udh sold out. IDR. 45rb aj.
This material use assorted batik Semarangan and use coconut shell beads inside (aksen for the flower) 
You can ask me for order by sms (text) to my mobile phone : +6289668882425 or +6285641312213
my personal facebook: Mirna Erisa / /  Arisa Shop

I love Fabric Flower

Hello..! This is my new blog. I'm a new comer. I hope that my blog will inspire you all.
Oya, I would like to share something I like. I really really love fabric accesoris especially from batik. Here they are some of them. Check this out ^^
#thanks for reading